Educational Qualifications:
- PhD in English- UMT (Course Work Completed- Research in progress)
- M.Phil in English Literature - (Kinnaird College for Women – 2009-2011)
- B.S (honors) – (Forman Christian College, a charted University-2005-2009)
Interest (teaching / research) Areas
- Environmental Literature
- Diasporic Literature
- South Asian Literature
- Screen Literature
Professional / Teaching Experience:
Lecturer, for M. Phil at Lahore Garrison University. (November, 2011-September 2012)
Worked as a referee for an international journal,” Journal of African Studies and Development (JASD) July 2012- January 2013
Published Articles:
- "Academic Dishonesty: a Tantalizing Threat." -The Pakistan Times (June 02, 2013)
- 'Before the Erosion Takes Hold' - The Nation, dated April 26, 2013.
- “Elderly Pressure: Rightfully Wrong”- The News, Sunday 4th August 2013.
- Child Abuse: a Tabooed Dilemma -10th January 2014 in The News
- Interfaith Harmony- The News, Sunday 12th January 2014
Training Conducted
Conducted a workshop titled, “Demystify Literary Theory” aiming to show how it illuminates literary texts and enriches our understanding and enjoyment of literature.( 03 January 2012)
- ‘English Pronunciation’ at ICCS University of Management and Technology (21 January, 2013)
Conference attended:
- International Conference, entitled "Issues and challenges in Education" held on February 22-23, 2013
- Annual Conference on Social Sciences (February 28-1 March, 2013)
- National Conference on Creating Space for Tolerance in an age of Extremism (28th March, 2013)
- Seminar on Epistemological Foundations of Research (February 15, 2013)
Key Achievements
- Awarded with ‘Cum Laude Honors’ for scoring distinctive CGPA.
- Awarded a full fee merit scholarship for Four Years (Forman Christian College, Chartered University Lahore)
- I have been on Vice Rector list four times for scoring 4 GPA .( Forman Christian College Charted University Lahore)