Academic Programs

BS English (Language and Linguistics)

Overview Road Map  Courses  Program Summary


BS English (language and linguistics) is a program that gives the participants an opportunity to investigate the most intricate aspects of human behavior and knowledge. Specialization in linguistics enables the students to learn about many characteristics of human language including words (morphology) and their meanings (semantics), sounds and their variation (phonetics and phonology), sentence and the context of their utterances (pragmatics). Studying linguistics also gives an insight into the changes involve in a language over the period of time and how a language is learned and acquired (language learning theories). Moreover it also includes the variation in language (sociolinguistics) due to region and culture, and most importantly it also contains certain modules that will help you in dealing the real classroom management and teaching English to the speakers of other languages (teaching methodologies). It helps in developing the syllabus and designing the curriculum according to the level of learners and the use of technology in developing their critical thinking.

Linguistics is progressively an important subject influencing many areas of studies, including psychology, philosophy, education and artificial intelligence. It has the real world application and answers many of the questions, regarding how are gender and religion affect our language? Why do some languages extinct and why do others transcends? Why one language is different from other? What is the role of mind and brain in learning? Understanding of these and many other questions will assist in becoming more critical, self reflective, and research oriented in many fields of our communication, learning and production. This program serves as a foundation to further get admissions in M.Phil TESOL and in M.Phil lingustics.

Program Objectives:

  • To transmit knowledge of the structure and function of language and its use and change in various cultural and social settings
  • To help students develop critical thinking skills, analytical skills, and reading, writing and research skills
  • To help students develop an understanding of the relationship between linguistic theories and areas such as artificial intelligence, cognitive science, language acquisition and learning, and language policy.
  • To help students develop an appreciation for the diversity and dynamic nature of human languages and cultures in Pakistan and the world

Credit Hours:

  • Each course is worth 3 credit hours

Degree Requirements

BS English (Language and Linguistics) requires:

  • Minimum of 2 CGPA
  • Completion of 131 credit hours


  • 4 Years (8 Semesters)

Admission Criteria for BS English (Language and Linguistics)

  • All applicants must have completed at least twelve years of education.
  • All applicants must present their current valid NTS score cards.
  • All applicants must undergo a written comprehensive test for competence in English Language.

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